Masterminds have been a foundational block for my success.
Many years ago, I was recruited by Dave Ramsey to be part of a mastermind called the Eagles Group.
It changed my life...
Within this group of men, a seed was planted.
Every week, we challenged and encouraged one another.
Everyone looked at life through a distinct filter or lens.
We brainstormed with each other.
We read books together.
It was fun... we could dream big with no consequences.
But over time something interesting started to happen...
As we kept raising the bar higher and higher, our grandiose ideas became realities...
Dave Ramsey grew his radio show to tens of millions of listeners with syndication all over the world...
Dan Miller published "48 Days To The Work You Love"...
Ken Abraham published over 100 books...
Jeff Moseley grew his Christian record label...
The Eagles were my unbiased, personal board of directors.
When you surround yourself with others who possess wisdom and experience, you will always be better off as a direct result of their life lessons.