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The most comprehensive program for planning, building, and Launching A virtual mastermind group
   Enroll By: 12PM Central on October 22nd, 2020
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Aaron Walker, Founder
Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind
The Mastermind Playbook
I have some exciting news to share with you!

As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has completely disrupted small businesses and it has caused countless event cancellations all over the world.

Because of this, I've decided to share something that I believe everyone in the business world needs to seriously consider right now.

Today, more than ever, our impact and wealth is proportional to our network. And wealth isn't just in our bank account. A truly rich life includes authentic relationships, transformational experiences, and wisdom at scale.  

I'd like to take you on a journey...

Join me for this unique training program and learn how to create a financially sound, location-independent lifestyle running virtual masterminds.. 
   Your Class Begins Thursday October 22nd, But Your Planning Begins IMMEDIATELY!

Not Your "Average" Mastermind

Masterminds have been a foundational block for my success.

Many years ago, I was recruited by Dave Ramsey to be part of a mastermind called the Eagles Group.

It changed my life...

Within this group of men, a seed was planted. 

Every week, we challenged and encouraged one another.

Everyone looked at life through a distinct filter or lens. 

We brainstormed with each other. 

We read books together.

It was fun... we could dream big with no consequences.

But over time something interesting started to happen... 

As we kept raising the bar higher and higher, our grandiose ideas became realities...

Dave Ramsey grew his radio show to tens of millions of listeners with syndication all over the world...

Dan Miller published "48 Days To The Work You Love"...

Ken Abraham published over 100 books...

Jeff Moseley grew his Christian record label...

The Eagles were my unbiased, personal board of directors. 

When you surround yourself with others who possess wisdom and experience, you will always be better off as a direct result of their life lessons.
"Aaron is a good friend.
He has wisdom, integrity, and he knows business. Most of all he has common sense."
- Dave Ramsey

Virtual Masterminds Transforms Lives

"There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness are quickly becoming a major health concern." -

There was a time when meeting face-to-face was the only option people had for sharing ideas.

Today, as you know, technology makes meeting with diverse people from all over the world 1-click easy and affordable.

Having people from various backgrounds, geographical locations, and perspectives on life adds a whole new dimension of impact and value to virtual mastermind groups.

As a result, today's mastermind groups are delivering a higher degree of transformational experiences because people are more likely to express their opinions, share their struggles, and express empathy to their peers. 
The benefits of facilitating an virtual mastermind group online include:
  • No travel. Technology make more efficient use of our time because there's no longer the need to travel across town for a meeting. A 60-minute meeting will actually take 60-minutes.
  • Universal access. A virtual mastermind group is available to anyone anywhere. It also eliminates the financial resources barrier because it eliminates the need for travel, meals, and gas.
  • Increased focus: There's something about face-to-face meetings (especially those involving meals) that makes them feel more social than we realize. Virtual masterminds bring more transparency, honesty, and focus to the conversations. 
When it comes to virtual mastermind groups, technology can take us further faster. We can reach more people, learn from more people, and inspire more people than we ever thought possible.
"I wanted to start a mastermind but I didn't know where to start. Frankly, I was so overwhelmed with all the moving parts that I never took action. The Mastermind Playbook allowed me to plug myself into a well orchestrated back office so I didn't have to reinvent anything. "
- Greg Yates

You Don't Need To Have All The Answers

As you can imagine, keeping a conversation between a large group of people on subject can be a challenge. This is the role of the mastermind facilitator. 

Unlike coaching and consulting where you need to have deep knowledge on a subject, facilitation requires you to have deep relationship skills and awareness of what's happening in the conversation.

In short, you don't need to have all the answers.

The power of masterminds is in their ability to leverage the collective wisdom of the group.

A facilitator is more of a peer than a coach or consultant.

Give the responsibility of guiding a mastermind group, the facilitator exercises the same transparency and vulnerability as other participants.

The facilitator keeps the conversation moving, guards against venturing off topic, and ensures meetings start and stop on time. 

In doing so, facilitators guide people through the process of identifying and accomplishing personal objectives. The questions and guidance are usually open-ended in nature and applicable to everyone in the group. 

The mastermind facilitator is the connector and orchestrator of conversations designed to move members forward.

The purpose of a mastermind is to motivate individuals and groups toward higher levels of achievement and performance.

Planning Your Mastermind Launch

The Mastermind Launch Masterclass™ is the ultimate training that will show you how to setup your back office, attract the right people, supercharge your weekly meetings, and build real relationships with your members.

The focus of this training is to help you build momentum WHILE you're setting-up your mastermind and LAUNCH when you have your first 10 members ready-to-go. 

With this proven launch plan, you'll be bringing a ton of new faces into your world while stepping-up your inner game to create something that's truly amazing.

Launching a mastermind can be a lot of work.

There's really no way to sugar coat this...

Yes, planning, building, and launching a mastermind will take time, effort and focus.

However, if you know the moving parts in advance and you can lean on an experienced team, you can pull it off with ease and success.

Virtual masterminds are incredibly profitable when done right. There's no better business model (in my humble opinion). 
By the end of this program,
you will have:
  • Nailed down your mastermind promise. You will be able to explain your groups purpose in one sentence that prospects can understand. 
  • Leveraged a mix of social media content, email marketing, podcast interviews and organic outreach to fill your pipeline with highly qualified prospects ready to join your mastermind.
  • Built an efficient filtering process to invite the 10 best people you'd most enjoy spending time with in your first mastermind group.
"This is the ONE & ONLY resource I am recommending to my clients who want to build masterminds as part of their business."
- Ray Edwards
If you'd like to join me for our Mastermind Launch Masterclass™, reserve your spot now...

We've put together an amazing package to ensure your mastermind launch succeeds!

The live kick-off call is on Thursday, October 22nd @ 12PM CST.

You can read about the complete package below... 

What's Inside The 
Mastermind Launch Masterclass™

  • 2+ Hour Live Kick-Off Call w/ Aaron Walker
We're going to start with the end in mind. Before you invest any time and energy planning and building, you're going to learn the essential systems you need to implement that will make your mastermind standout in the marketplace. Aaron will give you the big WHY behind each process and then share the launch strategy he's used to scale to over 19+ mastermind groups. You'll leave the call "fired up" and with a clear action plan. 
  • Comprehensive Tools, Worksheets, & Processes
Your audience will want to join a mastermind that feels "put together." To make sure things stay organized and actionable, you'll get access to the exact plug-and-play resources used by Aaron to build his mastermind groups without feeling lost and overwhelmed. You'll learn how to price your mastermind so you're profitable, enlist/onboard new members, and budget for sustainable long-term growth. This will give you the peace-of-mind that you're building a "real" business. 
  • The Mastermind Recruit Framework
You can have the best mastermind concept in the world, but if you can't fill seats it's all for nothing. In this tell-all part of the system, Aaron will teach you how he leverages the perfect mix of social media content, email marketing, Facebook Live videos, podcast interviews, and organic outreach to fill his mastermind groups. Whether you already have a strong email list or are just starting out, these strategies will make sure you're attracting the right people to your mastermind groups. This will give you the confidence needed to promote your mastermind to a large, global audience at scale!
  • How To Run Effective Weekly Meetings
Now that you've installed the essential business systems and started to sign-up members, it's time to outline how you'll run your weekly meetings and create a vibrant experience that members look forward to engaging. You will plan monthly themes based on a book that will be helpful to members, script a process for person-in-middle, and install the accountability tool. Aaron will also reveal his newest engagement system Come-As-You-Will-Be-In-2023™.
  • 30-Days of Mastermind Launch Team Support
Technology can be a major roadblock for many. Aaron does not want tech to be a hindrance, so he's giving you 30-days of access to his Mastermind Launch Team so you can get unstuck in a matter of minutes and maintain your momentum right through until launch day. The Launch Team will support you with anything tech related including your CRM, funnel, and integrating your application. A Slack channel will be setup Aaron's team. 
When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you'll get:

Mastermind Launch Masterclass™

(A $2,997 Value)
  • 2+ Hour Live Kick-Off Call w/ Aaron Walker showing you what and how to implement so your mastermind stands-out in the marketplace. 
  • Comprehensive Tools, Worksheets, & Processes to make sure things stay organized and actionable while planning for sustained long-term growth.
  • The Mastermind Recruit Framework to make sure you fill your mastermind groups with the right people so you can promote to a large, global audience at scale. 
  • How To Run Effective Weekly Meetings to create a vibrant experience that keeps  members interested, engaged, and consistent with their attendance.
  • 30-Days of Mastermind Launch Team Support so you never feel stuck or left behind with integrating the technology tools required to run a virtual mastermind.
  • Private VIP Facebook Group so you can connect with other participants, Aaron, and the Mastermind Launch Team
When you reserve your spot, you'll get immediate access to the Private Member's area where you'll have a pre-masterclass survey to complete along with the ultimate success guide for launching your virtual mastermind.

From there, you'll get a private link emailed out to you one day before the live kick-off call. Once the call is over, you'll be given access to all the tools, worksheets, and processes mentioned above - we do this so you can dive into the resources with context and insight from Aaron.

We want to protect your time, attention, and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that stops most would-be mastermind facilitators.
Plus These Bonuses To Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum
  • Bonus 1: Mastermind Lead-Generation Funnel with 5 professionally designed pages, compliance terms, and video tutorial on how to customize (A $497 value)
  • Bonus 2: Mastermind Application Template with 20+ qualifying questions that will filter good prospects from the bad apples (A $997 value)  
  • Bonus 3: 30-Day Pre-Launch Checklist showing you key action steps to get your back office set up, promote your mastermind, and enlist new "paying" members. (A $197 value)
  • Exclusive Bonus: 1-On-1 Launch Debrief w/ Aaron Walker to get an overview of all the big moving pieces and insights on how to pull-it-all together for a smooth launch. (A $1,297 value)
When you add it all up, that's a total real-world value of $5,985.
But because I'm super excited to share the power of masterminds, I'm giving you the opportunity to enroll in the Mastermind Launch Masterclass™ TODAY at the special price of just...
Currently $2,997 Just $297
(or 3 payments x $99/month)

You're Backed by a
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

The Mastermind Launch Masterclass™ is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation system for planning, building, and launching a virtual mastermind.

We are very confident once you start working through the tools and training that you won't need this, but it's nice to have for peace of mind!

Join the live kick-off call, review the resources, and get the technical support from our Mastermind Launch Team. If you're not completely satisfied within the next 30 days, just email us your completed exercises (so we know you completed the training) and we'll give you a full refund for your masterclass investment, no questions asked!


  • What is the date and time of the masterclass?
The masterclass starts on Thursday October 22nd @ 12PM CST.

Upon enrollment, you will receive a login link to your private member's area where you can access you pre-event materials. A day before the event, you'll receive a private link to the live masterclass. And immediately following the class, your member's area will have all the videos and resources included in your package.
  • Do I have to be an expert in my industry to run a mastermind?
You do not have to be an expert in your industry to facilitate a mastermind group. You must be able to provide a framework to host a mastermind group. It’s a myth to think you need to be an expert to host a weekly discussion. The value is in the collective energy of the group. These groups are not top down, they are peer to peer groups.
  • Will a mastermind work in my industry?
There is not an industry around that could not benefit from varying opinions from other thought leaders in your industry. You are able to share best practices with one another and discuss what’s working in other parts of the world without fear of sharing the secret sauce with competitors. When you gather 8 to 12 professionals in the same industry it’s life altering to discover new perspectives and possibilities. I’ve yet to hear of or see an industry where gathering together like minded professionals didn't add value to one another.
  • How many hours per week do I need to dedicate to running my mastermind?
After the initial startup time it would be safe to allocate 3 hours a week for the first group and 1.5 hours for each additional groups.
  • How is your program different from other programs I've tried?
There are countless programs where you are left on your own to figure out the intricacies of the program. We have a support team ready to help you along with the founder of the program. If you are not completely satisfied with the course materials, training, and support after 30-days, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT EARNINGS DISCLOSURE AND OTHER NOTICES: Absolutely NOTHING on this web page should be considered as any type of earnings claim (implied or otherwise). Planning and building mastermind groups has taken me years of work. I've never taught this class before so I can't tell you what a "typical" result would be.

What I do know is the vast and overwhelming majority of people who take classes about growing businesses and increasing their  revenue/sales/profits don't get any results at all.  It's kind of like the people who buy home exercise equipment don't look like the people in the commercials. (I'm guilty on that front myself.)

Also, this is a CLASS intended to help BUSINESS OWNERS learn how to build masterminds to create transformational experiences for it's members. It is NOT a "business opportunity".

And finally, all business entails RISK. During the class, I'll be sharing systems and processes I've developed to grow my own mastermind groups. Outreach campaigns almost NEVER work at first. They usually require tweaking and adjustment to messaging and targeting. A great deal of our focus will be teaching you how to think about the process of building your mastermind with minimal risk... but the risk will still be present nonetheless.  

If you're on this page it's likely you already know me and are well aware of these realities. But if you're not aware of these realities and you're expecting a "hail mary" or "silver bullet"... this is unquestionably NOT it. 

Planning and building a paid mastermind group will require WORK, COMMITMENT, and most importantly PERSEVERANCE. All of the tactics we'll share with you are harder than they look. So get ready to put in the work and stick it out. If you're not commited (or aren't comfortable with putting yourself online), I'd advise you pass on this oportunity.
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